What is an attribute in your PIM solution?

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Have you ever wondered what an attribute is and how to use it? Don't worry, in this video we'll explain everything you need to know about the nature of an "attribute".
Explanation of attributes
When creating an attribute, you can choose between different attribute types, depending on the data expected. The "text" attribute (a single line) expects single-line text data with a maximum number of characters. The "drop-down list" (one choice), we can imagine that our product is a T-shirt, so we'll create the "colour" attribute and then we'll have a drop-down list and you'll be able to select either red, blue or yellow.For the "radio" attribute, it's relatively the same as the "drop-down list" attribute, it's just the presentation that changes. (For the "text (multiline)" attribute, it's the same as for the "single-line text" attribute, but you'll be able to fill in several lines, so you'll be able to make line breaks and go back to the line.