
What is master data (MDM): All you need to know in 2024

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August 14, 2024
5 min
Product Information Management

Reference data: types, challenges for the company and effective management?

Les reference data, also called master data or master data, play a crucial role in the management of information within companies.

But what exactly are they and why are they so important? In this article, we will explore the different types of reference data, the associated challenges for businesses, and how to manage them effectively.

Discover the solution of Master Data Management (MDM) from SolidPepper to simplify the management of your reference data.

What is reference data?

Reference data is essential and stable information used by a company to define its main activities.

It includes information such as product data, customer data, supplier data, and financial data.

This data is vital because it is used as a reference in various business processes, ensuring the consistency and accuracy of information across the organization.

Reference data types

Reference data can be classified into several categories, each with its own importance and use.

Product data

This data includes detailed product information, such as descriptions, prices, categories, and technical specifications. They are essential for retail and distribution businesses.

Customer data

This is customer information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and purchase histories. Effective management of this data allows for better customer relationship and personalization of services.

Supplier data

This data relates to supplier information, such as contact details, payment terms, and contracts. They are essential for the effective management of supply chain.

Financial data

Financial data includes accounting information, financial reports, budgets, and forecasts. They are vital for financial management and strategic decision making.

The challenges of reference data for businesses

The management of reference data presents several major challenges for businesses.

Data quality

The precision and accuracy of reference data is critical to avoid errors and inconsistencies that can affect decision-making and daily operations.

Coherence of information

Ensuring the consistency of information across different systems and departments is important for maintaining a reliable and integrated overview of data. Build your data model according to your challenges.

Cost reduction

Good reference data management reduces operational costs by eliminating redundancies and improving process efficiency.

Improving decision making

Reliable and well-managed reference data allows leaders to make more informed and strategic decisions.

Reference data management

Effective master data management requires a structured process and clearly defined roles.

Master data management solutions, such as MDM (Master Data Management) offered by Solidpepper, offer advanced functionalities to centralize, clean and manage reference data. They ensure the quality and consistency of data throughout the company.

Management process

It is important to implement a master data management process that includes collecting, cleaning, validation and regular updating of data.

By using MDM solutions like Solidpepper's, businesses can automate these steps, reducing the risk of human errors and ensuring better data quality.

Roles and responsibilities

Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders is essential to ensure consistent and effective data management.

With an MDM solution, businesses can easily assign specific responsibilities to team members. This ensures that everyone knows what to do and when to do it. This process creates a workflow that breaks down intra-service data silos.

Tools and technologies

The use of advanced tools and technologies is essential to manage reference data effectively. Solidpepper's MDM solution plays a key role in this management.

It offers capabilities of centralization of data, of automated cleaning And of real-time sync, which is critical for maintaining accurate and up-to-date data.

The benefits of good reference data management

Effective master data management offers numerous benefits for businesses.

Centralization of master company data

MDM allows you to connect your customer, supplier, and product data together in one place. MDM brings together your PIM (Product Information Management), DAM (Digital Asset Management) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Time saver

Automating data management saves valuable time by reducing manual and repetitive tasks. With Solidpepper's MDM solution, businesses can centralize their data and automate update processes, significantly reducing the time spent managing reliable data.

Reduction of errors

By implementing the right processes and tools, errors and inconsistencies in data can be minimized. MDM solutions ensure that all data is validated and cleaned regularly, reducing the risk of costly errors.

Optimization of resources

Effective data management optimizes the use of resources by avoiding duplication and improving process efficiency. Solidpepper's MDM solutions make it possible to detect andeliminate duplicates, thus ensuring that resources are used optimally.

Better collaboration between departments

Well-managed reference data facilitates collaboration and communication between different departments in the business.

With an MDM solution, all departments have access to accurate and up-to-date data, which improves coordination and decision-making.

The Workflow of SolidPepper's MDM allows everyone to find their place and usefulness in the data value chain.

Integration of advanced solutions

To effectively manage master data, many businesses are turning to advanced data management solutions, such as the MDM systems mentioned above.

Master data management solutions, such as those offered by Solidpepper, offer advanced features to:

  • centralize, clean, standardize and validate data,
  • manage relationships between data,
  • integrate them with other systems,
  • have reporting and analysis tools.

MDM ensures the quality and consistency of data across the company.


Investing in good management of reference data is essential for any business that wants to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and make informed strategic decisions.

Advanced solutions, such as MDM offered by Solidpepper, offer powerful tools to achieve these goals.

Book here your free demo SolidPepper MDM.


What are the main challenges with reference data?

Key challenges include collecting accurate data, maintaining consistency across different systems, and managing frequent updates.

How do I choose the right data management solution?

It is important to consider the specific needs of the business, the compatibility with existing systems, and the functionalities offered by the solution.

What are the costs associated with setting up an MDM solution?

Costs may vary depending on the size of the business, the functionalities required, and the complexity of the implementation. It is essential to do a business case to assess the benefits over the costs.

How does reference data influence business strategy?

Accurate and consistent baseline data allows managers to make strategic decisions based on reliable information, improving overall business performance.

What are the first steps to improve master data management?

The first steps include auditing existing data, defining management processes, training teams, and investing in appropriate technological tools.

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