
Conceptual Data Model: A Complete Guide to Effective Design

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September 12, 2024
5 min
Product Information Management

The conceptual data model (MCD) is a fundamental tool in data management.

It offers an abstract but precise representation of the information that one wishes to manage within an information system.

Through an MCD, you can visualize and organize the data structure regardless of technical constraints.

The Conceptual Data Model (MCD) is an integral part of the method Merise, widely used in the development of information systems in France.

But how exactly does the MCD work, and how do you use it to design a powerful database? This article explores these questions in depth.

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Conceptual Data Model: Definition and Benefits

Origin of MCD in the Merise method

The conceptual data model, or MCD, was born from the Merise method, a method for designing and managing IT projects developed in France in the 1970s.

The MCD represents data in an abstract way, that is, it is not linked to a particular technical implementation or database language.

Main components of the MCD

It consists primarily of entities, associations between these entities, and attributes that describe the properties of the entities.

Entities represent the real or conceptual objects of an information system, such as a customer, a product, or an order.

Associations describe relationships between these entities, for example, a customer can place multiple orders. Attributes, on the other hand, define the characteristics of entities, such as the name of a customer or the price of a product.

Benefits of MCD for database design

The conceptual data model is particularly useful for structuring and clarify The way in which data is interconnected within a system.

It allows a shared understanding of the data by all the stakeholders in a project, thus facilitating communication and decision-making.

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The Merise method and the MCD


The Merise method is distinguished by its structure in three levels of abstraction: conceptual, logical, and physical.

The MCD is at the conceptual level, where the objective is to model data independently of any tech or implementation.

How does Merise use MCD

Merise uses the MCD to structure information consistently before moving on to the next steps: the logical data model (MLD), which translates the MCD into a structure that is closer to technical reality, and the physical data model (MPD), which describes the organization of data within a specific database.

Phases of the Merise method

The Merise method generally takes place in several phases:

  • Analysis phase : definition of needs and identification of entities.
  • Conceptual design phase : development of the MCD.
  • Logical design phase : translation of the MCD into MLD.
  • Physical design phase : implementation of MLD in MPD.

The usefulness of the Conceptual Data Model

Clarification of user needs

The MCD is a key piece in the design of information systems.

It makes it possible to clarify the needs of users by representing the data to be managed in a visual and structured way.

Improving communication between stakeholders

It also improves communication between the various stakeholders in a project, as it provides a common view of the data, thus facilitating the validation of design choices.

Solid foundation for physical data design

In addition, the MCD provides a solid foundation for the physical design phase of the data.

By having a clear view of entities and associations, designers can more easily translate the conceptual model into an effective database structure, reducing the risk of errors or oversights.

How do you design a conceptual data model?

The design of an MCD is carried out in several steps:

  • Step 1: Identifying entities

The first step is to identify the main entities in the system.

These entities must represent the major objects or concepts that the information system will have to manage.

For example, for a library management system, the entities could be: Book, Reader, and Loan.

  • Step 2: Define associations

Once the entities have been identified, the associations between them must be defined.

An association connects two or more entities and specifies the nature of their relationship.

For example, the “Reader” entity is associated with the “Borrowing” entity to indicate that a reader can borrow one or more times.

  • Step 3: Define attributes

After defining entities and associations, attributes can be added to specify the characteristics of the entities.

Each attribute should be relevant to the entity it describes.

For example, the “Book” entity could have the attributes “Title, Author, and Publication Date.”

  • Step 4: Validate the MCD with stakeholders

Once the MCD has been created, it is essential to validate it with users and other project stakeholders to ensure that it reflects the reality of the information system to be designed.

This validation makes it possible to identify possible errors or omissions before moving on to the logical design phase.

Examples of conceptual data models

Example 1: conceptual model for a physical business management system

In this model, the main entities are Product, Customer, and Sale. This conceptual model makes it possible to manage the operations of a physical store by representing the products available for sale, customers, and sales transactions.


  • Product: includes attributes such as Product name, prix, Quantity in stock, Product reference.
  • Customer : includes attributes like Name, Firstname, Adress, Email, Customer ID.
  • Sale : includes attributes like Sale date, Quantity sold, Total amount, Identifier Sale.

Associations :

  • Buy : connects Customer unto Sale with a cardinality of 1, N (A customer can make multiple sales).
  • Contains : connects Sale unto Product with a cardinality of N, N (A sale may include multiple products, and a product may be sold in multiple sales).

Example 2: conceptual model for an e-commerce site

This conceptual model is designed for an e-commerce site, where the main entities are User, Order, Product, and Basket. This conceptual model makes it possible to manage the entire online shopping process, from the navigation of users on the site to the finalization of orders.


  • User : Attributes include Name, First Name, Email, Delivery Address, User ID.
  • Product : Attributes include Product Name, Price, Available Stock, Description, Product Reference.
  • Order : includes attributes like Order Date, Order Status, Total Amount, Order ID.
  • Basket : contains the attributes Cart ID, Date of creation, Status (active or validated).


  • Add to : connects User unto Basket with a cardinality of 1.1 (Each user has an active basket).
  • Contains : connects Basket unto Product with a cardinality of N, N (A basket can contain several products, and a product can be in several baskets).
  • Finalize : connects Basket unto Order with a cardinality of 1.1 (A validated basket becomes a single order).
  • Paye : connects User unto Order with a cardinality of 1, N (A user can place multiple orders).

Common mistakes when designing an MCD

When designing an MCD, some mistakes are common:

  • Confusion between entities and attributes : sometimes, we confuse a characteristic of an entity with an entity itself. For example, Address could be misinterpreted as an entity rather than a Customer attribute.
  • Omission of important associations : It's easy to forget a key association, which can complicate the data structure later on.
  • Overcomplexity of the model : a model that is too complex can become difficult to manage. It is best to start simple and to complicate if necessary.


The conceptual data model (MCD) is an essential tool in the design of information systems.

By offering a clear and structured representation of data, it makes it possible to better understand the needs of users and to design effective and adapted databases.

By following the design steps and avoiding common mistakes, you can create an MCD that will serve as a solid foundation for your IT project.

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What is the difference between an MCD and a logical data model?

The MCD is an abstract representation of data, while the logical data model is a more technical translation of this model, adapted to a particular DBMS.

Why use Merise to design an MCD?

Merise is a proven method that allows IT projects to be structured in a clear and coherent manner, with a strong separation between conceptual and technical phases.

Can an MCD be used for NoSQL databases?

Although MCD is traditionally used for relational databases, it can be adapted to model data in NoSQL systems, taking into account their specificities.

How long does it take to design an MCD?

The time required depends on the complexity of the project, but it is crucial not to rush this stage, as it lays the foundation for further development.

Is the MCD mandatory for all IT projects?

Although not mandatory, it is highly recommended for any project involving complex data management, as it facilitates understanding and communication within the team.

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