
Product Roadmap: Definition, Key Milestones and Examples 2024

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October 9, 2024
6 min
Product Information Management

Roadmap product: a complete guide to plan and monitor the development of your products

La Product roadmap is an essential tool for planning, managing, and communicating product development strategy and goals.

It makes it possible to define a clear vision of the product, to align internal teams and to monitor the evolution of functionalities under development.

But how do you create an effective product roadmap?

This article explores the key steps for building a product roadmap, as well as practical examples to better understand how to use it in different contexts.

Do you want to effectively manage your product information with an all-in-one solution? Discover NuDE The Product Information Management (PIM) solution from SolidPepper.

What is a product roadmap?

A product roadmap is a strategic document that describes the direction and The key steps Of lThe evolution of a product over time. It provides an overview of long-term goals as well as short-term milestones. It makes it possible to answer several questions that are decisive for framing product marketing :

  • Where does the product go?
  • What are the goals to be achieved?
  • What are the priorities?

The product roadmap also serves as a communication tool, allowing development teams, marketing, sales, and management to be coordinated around the same goals during the designing a product until it is put on the market.

Why is the product roadmap essential?

A well-structured product roadmap plays a role in central role in the success of product development.

Here are some of the reasons why it is essential:

1. Clear strategic vision

The roadmap helps to translate the company's global vision into concrete actions.

It shows how each feature contributes to overall product and business goals.

2. Prioritizing features

Based on business goals, the roadmap helps prioritize the most important features to be developed first.

This makes it possible to maximize resources and avoid scattered efforts.

3. Team coordination

The roadmap ensures smooth communication between teams.

Each team (development, marketing, sales) knows the priorities and knows what is expected at each stage.

4. Transparency for stakeholders

It makes it easy to share progress and plans with external stakeholders (investors, partners, customers) so they can better understand where the product is going.

The 5 key steps to create an effective product roadmap

Creating an effective product roadmap requires a good planningN and one clear vision goals to be achieved. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Define the vision of the product

Before diving into the details, it is essential to fully understand the long-term vision of the product.

What is the mission of the product?

What problems should it address?

Who is the target user?

Answering these questions makes it possible to lay the solid foundations of the roadmap.

2. Setting strategic goals

Each roadmap should be built aroundclear strategic goals.

These can be varied: conquering new markets, improving the user experience, launching innovative features, etc.

These goals help determine which features to prioritize.

3. List and prioritize features

Once the objectives are defined, it is time to list the functionalities to be developed.

At this point, project management tools such as Trello, Jira, or NuDE, the PIM solution from SolidPepper, can help monitor the various functionalities and their progress.

NuDE allows product data to be integrated into clear and precise processes, helping to structure and organize priorities for more fluid development management.

4. Define milestones

Milestones are key steps that measure the progress of the project.

They may include the development of specific features, beta testing, or the launch of interim versions of the product.

5. Communicate the roadmap regularly

The roadmap is not a fixed document.

It should be regularly updated and communicated to stakeholders so that they are always aware of progress and changes.

Using collaborative software or a PIM to centralize and share information guarantees total transparency.

Concrete examples of product roadmaps

1. Product roadmap for a mobile application

Let's imagine a startup developing a task management application. The roadmap could be structured as follows:

  • Quarter 1 : Launch of a first version with basic functionalities (creation of tasks, notifications).
  • Quarter 2 : Integration with external tools like Google Calendar.
  • Quarter 3 : Launch of the premium version with advanced features (team collaboration, performance monitoring).

2. Product roadmap for a cosmetics brand

For a brand launching a new line of cosmetic products, the roadmap could include:

  • Phase 1 : Research and development of new ingredients.
  • Phase 2 : Test of the formula in the laboratory.
  • Phase 3 : Launch of the product on the market with a marketing campaign.

How to use a PIM in product roadmap management?

A Product Information Management (PIM) like NuDE from SolidPepper can greatly simplify the management of information related to the product roadmap.

The PIM centralizes all the necessary data, whether it's technical specifications, product descriptions, or launch dates.

Thanks to this centralization, teams can access up-to-date information and work transparently.

The advantages of PIM in product roadmap management:

  • Centralization of data : all product information is stored in a single tool.
  • Real-time update : with each change to the product or the functionality, the data is automatically updated.
  • Team alignment : All team members have access to the same information, which improves collaboration.

Learning more about NuDE and how it can optimize the management of your product information is essential to streamline the process of creating and updating your roadmap.


One Product roadmap well-thought-out and well-structured is essential to ensure the long-term success of a product.

By planning features, setting milestones, and prioritizing goals, you're giving your teams a clear direction to follow.

In addition, integrating a PIM like NuDE from SolidPepper into your strategy makes it possible to automate and centralize product information, guaranteeing smooth management and effective communication with all stakeholders.

Get started for free with SolidPepper solutions and start streamlining your business.


What is a product roadmap?

It is a strategic document that plans the development of a product and defines the goals to be achieved over a given period of time.

Why use a product roadmap?

It makes it possible to define a clear vision, to prioritize functionalities, to align teams and to communicate progress effectively.

What are the tools for creating a product roadmap?

Project management tools like Trello, Jira, or a PIM like NuDE by SolidPepper make it easy to create and manage a product roadmap.

How to prioritize functionalities in a roadmap?

It is important to base prioritization on strategic business goals, user needs, and available resources.

How does a PIM help manage a product roadmap?

A PIM centralizes product information, allowing functionalities to be updated in real time and for smooth communication between teams.

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