
Product launch : 5 steps to follow and concrete examples

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October 7, 2024
5 min
Product Information Management

Product launch: how to succeed at each stage to maximize your chances of success

The product launch is a decisive step in the life of a company.

A well-orchestrated launch can generate a strong market impact, attract consumer attention, and increase sales in the first few weeks.

However, a poorly prepared launch can lead to disinterest or even damage the brand's image.

This article provides a detailed guide to successfully launch a product, including essential tools such as PIM (Product Information Management), DAM (Digital Asset Management), and MDM (Master Data Management) to optimize product information management and communication.

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Why is a product launch important?

The product launch phase is not only a formality, it is a decisive moment when the company presents a new product to its audience. It is an opportunity to capture attention, to differentiate your product and to meet market expectations. A good start can:

  • Create enthusiasm for the product,
  • Generate quick sales right from the start,
  • Strengthen the brand image by positioning the product as innovative and necessary.

A failed launch, on the other hand, can lead to heavy losses and tarnish a company's reputation.

Key steps for a successful product launch

1. Study the market and define your target

First of all, it is essential to understand the market in which you are going to introduce your product. In-depth market research will help you identify:

  • The unmet needs of consumers,
  • Competitors and their offerings,
  • Current market trends.

By defining your target, you can adjust your message so that it directly resonates with the expectations of your potential customers.

2. Create a launch strategy

A clear launch strategy is essential for coordinating marketing, sales, and technical efforts. Here are a few things to put in place in your strategy:

  • Business goals : What do you expect from the launch in terms of sales or reputation?
  • Positioningt: What is the product's key promise and how does it stand out from the competition?
  • Calendar: Prepare a detailed plan with the main steps you need to take before, during, and after launch.

3. Use PIM, DAM, and MDM tools to centralize data

When you launch a product, managing product information is a major challenge. That's where tools like PIM, DAM, and MDM can come in.

  • PIM (Product Information Management) : A PIM like NuDE from SolidPepper centralizes all product information (descriptions, characteristics, prices, etc.) and guarantees their consistency across all channels. This ensures that all stakeholders (internal and external) have up-to-date and accurate information.
  • DAM (Digital Asset Management) : A DAM is useful for organizing and managing digital assets related to your product, such as images, videos, and marketing materials. Having a well-managed asset bank simplifies launch campaigns.
  • MDM (Master Data Management) : For businesses that manage product data at scale, MDM centralizes all information from various sources to ensure its accuracy and integrity.

4. Develop a communication strategy

The success of a launch depends largely on how you communicate around the product. It is essential to inform the target audience of the arrival of your novelty through various channels:

  • Web site : Create a dedicated product page with comprehensive and engaging information. If your business uses a PIM, like NuDE from SolidPepper, integrating information into the website can be done in a smooth and automated way.
  • Marketing emails : Prepare a email series to build excitement before launch, and encourage customers to test the product after release.
  • Social networks : Use Teasers, videos, and interactive posts to engage and engage your audience.
  • Press relations : If relevant, make sure the media or influencers are covering your launch to get wider visibility.

5. Preparing customer support and internal teams

A good product launch also includes preparing internal teams, including customer service and sales teams. They must:

  • Mastering the functionalities and advantages of the new product,
  • Have access to up-to-date technical and commercial documents, ideally centralized via a PIM to avoid errors or outdated information.

Examples of successful product launches

1. Apple

Apple is often cited as a model for product launches.

With well-orchestrated events, of creative marketing campaignsS and a millimeter communication, each new product becomes a major event.

Their strategy is based on a clever mix of suspense, technological innovation and Storytelling powerful.

2. Tesla

Tesla launches are always eagerly awaited.

The company focuses on Market disruption, launching innovative products and promising to revolutionize entire industries.

Their communication is direct, and often supported by live events, creating great expectations among consumers.

The importance of post-launch product follow-up

The launch doesn't stop once the product is on the market. Post-launch follow-up is essential for:

  • Analyze user feedback and sales,
  • Adjust the marketing strategy according to the results,
  • Optimize the product if necessary.

With tools like PIM and DAM, you can easily update product information and adjust product information. visual assets based on post-launch feedback or adjustments.


Succeed a product launch requires careful preparation and the use of appropriate tools.

By centralizing your information through solutions such as a PIM or a DAM, you guarantee data consistency and fluidity in the deployment of your product across all channels.

By following the best practices outlined in this article, you maximize your chances of success and minimize the risks of failure.

Get started for free with SolidPepper solutions and start streamlining your business.


What is a product launch?

It is the process by which a company introduces a new product to the market. This includes preparation, communication, and selling.

Why use a PIM for a product launch?

A PIM centralizes all product information and keeps data up to date and consistent across channels, which is crucial for an effective launch.

What is the difference between a PIM, a DAM, and an MDM?

PIM centralizes product information,

DAM manages digital resources (images, videos),

MDM unifies data from a variety of sources.

How do you prepare internal teams for a launch?

Ensure that customer service and sales teams are familiar with product features and have up-to-date documentation.

How can I monitor the effectiveness of a launch?

Analyze sales, customer feedback, and adjust your strategy based on the results obtained.

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