
E-commerce platform

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July 26, 2024
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Product Information Management

Best e-commerce platform: a complete guide

In today's digital world, a e-commerce platform is essential for any business looking to sell products or services online. Not only does it reach a global customer base, but it also offers powerful tools to improve data management and personalize the customer experience.

What is an e-commerce platform ?

An e-commerce platform is a software solution that allows businesses to manage their online sales. It integrates various functionalities such as the management of orders, products, customers and payments.

There are significant differences between e-commerce platforms for B2B (business-to-business) and those intended for B2C (business-to-consumer). B2B platforms often focus on features like negotiated prices and management of bulk orders, while B2C platforms place more emphasis onuser experience and marketing.

Advantages of e-commerce platforms

Accessibility and global reach

One of the main benefits of e-commerce platforms is that they allow businesses to reach a global audience. Unlike physical stores, an e-commerce site is accessible 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, allowing customers to make purchases at any time.

Reduced costs

E-commerce platforms significantly reduce operational costs. There is no need to invest in expensive physical premises, and automating sales and management processes reduces the need for labor.

Customizing the customer experience

Thanks to the data collected on buying behaviors of customers, businesses can personalize the experience of each user. This includes product recommendations, special offers, and tailored navigation.

Improving data management

E-commerce platforms offer sophisticated tools for data management, allowing businesses to track the performance of their products, marketing campaigns, and logistic operations in real time.

Key features of e-commerce platforms

Order Management

A good e-commerce platform allows you to effectively manage customer orders, from reception to delivery. This includes tracking inventory, managing returns, and optimizing logistics processes.

Advanced product search

Advanced product research is critical to helping customers quickly find what they're looking for. Features like the Search by facets allow results to be filtered according to various criteria, thus improving the user experience.

Catalogs management

Catalog management allows businesses to personalize their offerings for each customer. This includes updating products, prices, and descriptions based on the specific needs of each customer segment.

API and ERP integration

APIs and ERP systems allow for seamless integration between the e-commerce platform and other business management systems. This ensures real-time data synchronization, reducing errors and improving efficiency.

Data management on an e-commerce platform

Import/export of Excel files

Importing and exporting data via Excel files is an essential feature for managing product information, inventory, and price lists. This allows businesses to quickly update their data without requiring advanced technical skills.

Using RESTful APIs

Les RESTful API provide access to a comprehensive set of functions, such as adding products and customers, changing product attributes, and retrieving orders. They allow easy and flexible integration with other systems.

Product Information Management (PIM)

Product information management is vital to ensure quality and data consistency. E-commerce platforms often include tools of PIM that allow product attributes, variants, classifications, and images to be managed.

Best practices for choosing an e-commerce platform

Business Needs Assessment

Before choosing an e-commerce platform, it is important to assess the specific needs of your business. This includes the size of your product catalog, expected order volume, and required features.

Flexibility and scalability

The platform chosen must be flexible and scalable to adapt to the growth of your business. It must be able to manage an increase in the volume of transactions and integrate new functionalities as and when needed.

Technical support and training

Good technical support and training programs are essential to ensure a successful implementation and optimal use of the e-commerce platform. Ensure that the provider offers responsive support and adequate training resources.

Comparison of the Best E-Commerce Platforms


Each e-commerce platform has its pros and cons. Shopify and BigCommerce are ideal for users looking for a turnkey solution with constant support. WooCommerce and PrestaShop are great for those looking for great customization with lower upfront costs, while Magento offers unparalleled robustness and flexibility, ideal for larger businesses with complex needs. Choose the platform that best fits the specific needs of your business.

Focus on B2B Cloud Commerce

B2B Cloud Commerce is a ready-to-use solution specially designed for distributors and wholesalers. It offers advanced functionalities for order management, catalog customization, and integration with ERP systems.

Specific features for distributors and wholesalers

B2B Cloud Commerce includes features such as managing negotiated rates, customizing catalogs according to customer profiles, and managing access rights for different levels of users.

Advanced product search

Importance of facet research

Faceted search allows users to filter products according to specific criteria, such as category, the BrandE, the prizes, etc. This greatly improves the user experience by making it easier to navigate and find products.

Optimized user interface

One ui Optimized reduces the Number of clicks needed to find a product and place an order, which increases the conversion rate and improves customer satisfaction.

Recurring orders and catalog management

Benefits of recurring orders

Recurring orders make it easy for customers to repeat frequent orders, speeding up the buying process and improves efficiency.

Customizing catalogs for each customer

The personalization of catalogues based on customer profiles makes it possible to show only relevant products, which improves the user experience and increases sales.

Negotiated rates and access rights

Integration of customer contracts

The integration of customer contracts and grouped rates makes it possible to offer personalized prices and special offers to the best customers, thus strengthening commercial relationships.

Managing user rights levels

Managing the various levels of user rights makes it possible to distribute tasks within the company and to ensure efficient management of orders and data.

Product Information Management

Product visibility and optimization

Good product information management makes your products visible and appealing to customers. That includes the attribute management, of variations, of classifications and specific images.

Specific attributes, variants, and images

The inclusion of detailed attributes, variants, and high-quality images allows customers to better understand products and make informed purchasing decisions.

Search tools and screen optimization

Advanced search tools

The tools of advanced search allow customers to quickly find the products they are looking for using specific filters and criteria.

Optimizing the screen for fast navigation

Optimizing the screen for a Fast navigation reduces the time needed to find products and place orders, improving the user experience and the number of carts.

Marketing and technical information

Improving the quality of images and technical information

Improving the quality of images and technical information makes products more attractive and credible for customers. Full data sheets and HD photos play an important role in this process.

Integration of the e-commerce platform with ERPs

Standard API and API for CSV exchanges

Standard APIs and those for CSV exchanges make integration with ERP systems very simple. They allow data to be synchronized in real time.

Compatibility with the main ERPs

B2B Cloud Commerce works with the most popular ERP systems like SAP, SAGE, INTEGRAL, Divalto, and Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This makes data integration and management much easier.


In conclusion, choosing the right one e-commerce platform is critical to the success of your online business.

B2B Cloud Commerce offers advanced features and flexibility that meet the needs of distributors and wholesalers.

By integrating advanced search tools, recurring orders, custom catalog management, and seamless integration with ERP systems, this solution is designed to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.


What are the main advantages of an e-commerce platform?

Key benefits include global reach, reduced costs, personalized customer experiences, and improved data management.

What are the key features to look for in an e-commerce platform?

Key features include order management, advanced product search, catalog management, and API and ERP integration.

How does B2B Cloud Commerce help distributors and wholesalers?

B2B Cloud Commerce offers specific functionalities such as managing negotiated rates, customizing catalogs, and managing access rights.

Why is facet research important?

Faceted search allows users to filter search results according to specific criteria, improving the user experience.

How to integrate B2B Cloud Commerce with an existing ERP?

The integration is done via standard APIs and APIs for CSV exchanges, compatible with ERP systems like SAP, SAGE, INTEGRAL, Divalto and Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

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