
Packaging customization: Creation, design and examples

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September 19, 2024
6 min
Product Information Management

Packaging customization: advanced strategies and tools for an impacting design

In the world of packaging, personalization is more than just a trend: it is a necessity to stand out and captivate consumers.

If you've already explored the basics of packaging customization, this article will guide you through advanced strategies, practical tips, and tools for creating truly impactful designs.

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Develop an effective packaging customization strategy

Brand objective analysis

Before diving into design, it's essential to understand how packaging fits into your overall brand strategy. Answer the following questions to refine your approach:

  • What message do you want to convey? Your packaging should reflect the values and identity of your brand.
  • Who is your target audience? Knowing the preferences and expectations of your customers will help you design packaging that resonates with them.
  • What are your marketing goals? Consider whether the goal is to increase brand awareness, launch a new product, or build customer loyalty.

Creation of personas for packaging

Personas are detailed representations of your ideal customers. By creating personas for your packaging, you can:

  • Define specific characteristics : age, gender, interests and buying behaviors.
  • Identify expectations : what do your customers look for in custom packaging?
  • Adapting the design : design packaging that meets the needs and desires of your personas.

Advanced tools for packaging design

Professional design software

To create complex designs and customized, the following software can be very useful:

  • Adobe Illustrator : ideal for accurate and detailed vector graphics. Useful for elaborate illustrations and designs
  • Adobe InDesign : perfect for layouts and projects that require sophisticated typographical elements. Adobe InDesign is the plugin used by SolidCatalogue to create and personalize your catalogues bespoke.
  • Coreldraw : an illustrator alternative with powerful features for graphic design and packaging.

Collaborative creation platforms

Collaborative tools allow you to work in a team and share ideas in real time:

  • Figure: a collaborative design tool that allows packaging to be designed and prototyped with colleagues or customers.
  • Invision: offers interactive prototyping and real-time feedback features to refine designs.

Optimize the customization and production process

Selection of packaging design suppliers

Choosing the right supplier is critical to the success of your project. Here are some criteria to consider:

  • Quality of materials : ensure that the materials comply with quality standards.
  • Customization capacity : check if the supplier can make your specific designs.
  • Production times : confirm manufacturing times and delivery options.

Integrating technology into packaging

Technology can add a interactive dimension to your packaging:

  • QR codes : they allow consumers to access additional information or promotions by scanning the code.
  • Augmented reality : it offers immersive experiences by adding interactive elements that consumers can explore with their smartphone.

Cost management and production optimization

To manage costs while maintaining high quality:

  • Optimize quantities : order according to your real needs to avoid surpluses or stockouts.
  • Look for economical solutions : compare quotes from different suppliers and look for cost-effective production options without compromising quality.

Case study - inspiring examples of custom packaging

Cosmetic brand: Glossier

  • background : Glossier, a popular cosmetics brand, uses packaging customization to strengthen its brand identity and engage its customers. Their personalization strategy focuses on simplicity and elegance, with an emphasis on unique customer service.
  • Strategy : limited edition packaging. Glossier has launched limited editions of its products with packaging specially designed for events or seasonal collections. These small-volume editions are often adorned with artistic designs or personalized messages that generate customer excitement and engagement.
  • Custom packaging for subscribers : for regular customers or subscribers, Glossier offers packaging with personalized messages or illustrations in line with customer preferences.
  • Impact : increased engagement. Limited editions create a sense of exclusivity and urgency, encouraging customers to buy before stocks run out.
  • Customer Loyalty : personalized touches reinforce the emotional bond between the brand and its customers, increasing loyalty and retention.

Drink brand: PepsiCo

  • background : PepsiCo launched an innovative packaging personalization campaign for its beverage brand, Pepsi, using augmented reality technology to create an interactive experience for consumers.
  • Strategy : integration of augmented reality. PepsiCo has introduced elements of augmented reality into its packaging, allowing consumers to scan bottles with their phones to reveal animations, games, or additional product information.
  • Interactive packaging : consumers could interact with the packaging using a dedicated mobile application, which offered immersive experiences such as games and contests.
  • Impact: increased interaction. Augmented reality has encouraged consumers to engage more with the product, increasing the time spent interacting with the brand.
  • Viral promotions : interactive experiences generated content shared on social networks, creating increased visibility and attracting media attention.

Luxury brand: Maison Margiela

  • background : Maison Margiela, a luxury brand, used a wide range of personalized products (gift boxes, paper bags...) to reinforce its unique brand image and offer a high-end customer experience.
  • Strategy : high-end packaging. Maison Margiela uses elegant and personalized packaging that reflects the exclusivity of its products. Each package is designed with high-quality materials and sophisticated details, often with unique design elements that match the brand image.
  • Customization for VIP customers. for its most valuable customers, the brand offers additional personalization options, such as initials or messages engraved on the packaging.
  • Impact : strengthening the brand image. Luxury packaging reinforces the brand's image as high-end and exclusive.
  • Memorable customer experience. Customizing packaging creates an exceptional customer experience, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Trends and innovations

Stay up to date with the latest trends to keep your packaging innovative:

  • Smart packaging : include features like sensors to monitor product freshness.
  • Customization on demand : allows customers to personalize their packaging prior to purchase, offering a unique experience.


La packaging customization is a valuable opportunity for businesses to stand out, strengthen their brand and improve the customer experience.

By developing a thoughtful strategy, using advanced tools, and optimizing the production process, you can create packaging that captivates and engages consumers.

By exploring innovations and taking advantage of best practices, you can create designs that not only catch the eye but also meet the functional and emotional needs of your customers.

Get started for free with SolidPepper solutions and start streamlining your business.


What is packaging customization?

Packaging customization adapts the design, materials, and printed elements of packaging to reflect brand identity and meet customer preferences.

What are the advantages of customizing packaging?

Strengthens brand identity, improves customer experience, and helps stand out from the competition.

What types of customization are available?

  • Graphic design: Colors, logos.
  • Shape and size: Custom packaging.
  • Materials: Ecological or specific.

How to choose a supplier for packaging customization?

Look for experience, material quality, and compare costs and delivery times.

What are the costs associated with packaging customization?

The costs depend on the design, quantity, materials, and supplier.

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