
Optimize your product sheets with the PQS (Product Quality Score)

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July 19, 2024
12 min
Product Information Management

How to improve the quality of your sheets with the PQS (Product Quality Score): criteria and optimization tips

The Product Quality Score is a measure that assesses the quality of online product sheets. Developed to help businesses improve the presentation of their products, the PQS takes into account various aspects such as images, descriptions, and customer reviews.

This article will guide you through the PQS criteria and give you practical recommendations to improve your product sheets.

Associated with the SolidPepper PIM solution, the PQS is a guarantee of quality for all your product sheets.

Why is PQS essential for your product sheets and its advantages for SEO (natural referencing)

A good PQS directly influences the shopping experience and has numerous advantages for the SEO referencing. High-quality product sheets attract more customers, increase conversion rates, and increase customer loyalty. These elements are essential to stand out in a competitive online marketplace.

Higher ranking in search engines

A high PQS improves the ranking of your products in search engines. Search algorithms prioritize highly qualitative content, and well-developed product sheets are better indexed and classified.

As a result, your products become more visible to users doing relevant searches, which is vital for capturing the attention of potential new customers.

Increase in organic traffic

Optimized product sheets don't just attract visitors, they also convert them. A detailed description and qualitative images meet consumer expectations and convince them to make a purchase.

This leads to an increase in conversion rate and sales volume.

In addition, a rich and relevant contentAnd improve the length of visit on your site, reducing the bounce rate and thus increasing the likelihood of repeat sales.

In short, a good PQS and effective SEO optimization are closely linked.

Improving the quality of your product sheets not only enriches the shopping experience but also strengthens your online presence, attracts quality organic traffic, and contributes directly to the growth of your sales.

Product Quality Score criteria

Image quality

Images play a crucial role in the purchase decision. Of high quality images, showing the product from different angles and in use, are essential.

Product description

A well-written and informative description helps customers understand the features And the benefits of the product. The text should be clear, concise, and optimized for search engines.

Customer reviews

Customer reviews provide credibility to your products. Encourage happy customers to leave reviews and deal with negative reviews constructively.

Technical information

Technical information should be accurate and up to date. They help customers take a informed decision and reinforce the trust.

How to assess the quality of your product sheets?

Use assessment tools and self-assessment methods to measure the quality of your product sheets. Compare them with those of your competitors and identify areas for improvement.

Optimizing image quality

Importance of high quality images

High-quality images catch the attention of customers and help them visualize the product. Use high-resolution photos and make sure they are well-lit and well-framed.

Techniques to improve images

Use photo editing software to improve the quality of your images. Add zooms and 360-degree views for a better viewing experience.

Writing a compelling product description

Ideal structure

A good product description should have a catchy introduction, technical details, and clear benefits. Use bulleted lists for key points and maintain a conversational tone.

Use of SEO keywords

Integrate relevant keywordss in your descriptions to improve their visibility on search engines. Make sure that the keywords are naturally integrated and do not detract from readability.

Using customer reviews to improve the PQS

Encourage positive reviews

Offer incentives for customers to leave positive reviews. Respond to reviews to show that you value customer feedback.

Managing negative reviews

Respond to negative reviews in a professional manner and offer solutions. It shows that you are committed to customer satisfaction and can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Presentation of technical information

Clarity and precision

Technical information should be easy to read and understand. Use charts and graphs to present complex data in a clear manner.

Importance of the update

Update technical information regularly to reflect the latest product features and specifications.

Common mistakes to avoid

Poor quality images

Avoid using images that are blurry or poorly framed. Poor quality images can discourage customers from buying.

Generic descriptions

Generic and uninformative descriptions provide no added value. Be specific and highlight the unique characteristics of your products.

Recommendations and tools to improve the PQS

Regular audit of product sheets and team training

Make regular audits of your product sheets to identify areas for improvement. Use the customer feedback And the performance data to guide your improvements. A regular analysis makes it possible to detect possible weaknesses and to quickly adjust the content strategies.

Train your teams on the importance of PQS and the best practices to optimize it. A well-trained team is essential for maintaining high quality product sheets. That includes the writing training of descriptions, the creation of visuals attractive, and the management of customer reviews. Continuing education ensures that your team stays up to date with market trends and best practices.

Technologies and tools to improve the PQS

Recommended software

Use specialized software to optimize your product sheets. These tools can analyze and improve the quality of your images, descriptions, and other critical items.

For example, software like Adobe Photoshop for retouching images, Grammarly for text correction, and SEO tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush for keyword optimization are particularly useful.

Free vs paid tools

There are free and paid tools to improve the PQS.

Paid tools often offer more features and technical support, but free tools can also be very effective.

For example, Canva offers a great free platform for creating high-quality visuals, while Google Analytics provides valuable data on the performance of your product sheets.

For advanced features, paid solutions like Adobe Creative Cloud or professional SEO subscriptions can provide significant additional benefits.

By combining regular audits, the continuous training of teams, and the use of appropriate technologies and tools, you can significantly improve the quality of your product sheets and thus maximize the PQS.

PIM integration for optimal management of product sheets

The PIM (Product Information Management) is an essential solution for effectively managing your product information.

By integrating a PIM, you centralize all product data in one place, making it easy to update and distribute it across multiple channels.

This not only improves the quality of product sheets, but also ensures their consistency and accuracy, thus contributing to a better PQS.


Optimize your product sheets with the PQS is essential for providing a great shopping experience and increasing your sales.

By following the recommendations in this article, you can improve the quality of your product sheets and thus attract more customers.

Take the time to audit your records regularly, use appropriate tools, and train your teams to maintain a high PQS.

SolidPepper offers a PIM solution and DAM adapted to all sizes of companies regardless of their sector of activity. Test our Pim solution for 30 days


What is the ideal frequency for auditing product sheets?

It is recommended that you audit your product sheets every six months to ensure that they remain optimal and up to date.

How do I choose keywords for product descriptions?

Choose keywords that are relevant to your product and your target audience. Use keyword research tools to identify which ones have the most potential.

What is the importance of videos in the PQS?

Videos can significantly improve the PQS by providing a detailed and interactive view of the product. They allow customers to better visualize the product in action.

How do you respond to negative reviews?

Respond to negative reviews in a courteous and professional manner. Offer solutions and show that you take customer feedback into account to improve your product or service.

What are the best free tools to improve the PQS?

Some of the best free tools include Google Analytics for analyzing performance, Canva for improving visuals, and Google Keyword Planner for keyword research.

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