
How to create and optimize a FABDIS file with a PIM

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July 26, 2024
10 min
Product Information Management

Understanding and advice for setting up a Fabdis file using PIM

What is FABDIS?

FABDIS, acronym for “Manufacturers (Fab) and Distributors (Dis)”, is a file designed to optimize the exchange of information between these two key players in the supply chain.

This framework makes it easy to communicate, collaborate, and manage product data. It is crucial for efficient distribution.

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The importance of FABDIS in the supply chain

FABDIS ensures the accuracy of product information between manufacturers and distributors.

This precision reduces delivery, production, and order errors. By simplifying the logistics, the Manufacturers & Distributors system, allows inventory management more efficient and minimizes the risks of surpluses Or of shortages.

Standardization of data also strengthens relationships between commercial partnersx, by establishing a foundation of trust and effective collaboration.

Implementation of FABDIS by businesses

How businesses use FABDIS

Companies set up this file to integrate and synchronize their product data homogeneously.

They establish common standards for data, use shared platforms, and deploy interfaces of application programming (API)) to facilitate and secure the exchange of information.

This integration allows better visibility of product flow and optimizes operations between the various stakeholders.

FABDIS and PIM: a synergy for product management

Optimization of product information management thanks to the integration of FABDIS and PIM

The integration of a Product Information Management (PIM) system with FABDIS allows for improved management of product data.

The PIM collects data provided by manufacturers and distributes them in a structured manner, facilitating their centralization in a single database.

This centralization ensures that all stakeholders, including sales, marketing, and customer support teams, have up-to-date and consistent information that is essential for effective distribution strategies across multiple channels.

Automating the creation of FAB-DIS files by the PIM system

Using a PIM system to automatically generate FAB-DIS files simplifies collaboration between manufacturers and distributors.

By centralizing and structuring product information according to FAB-DIS standards, PIM facilitates the automatic and accurate generation of these files.

This automation ensures that data remains current and in line with business partners' requirements, while reducing manual errors and improving the efficiency of distribution processes.

What are the steps to set up a FABDIS system?

Here are the key steps to set up such a system:

  1. Needs analysis : Assess the specific requirements of your business in terms of collaboration between manufacturers and distributors. Identify the types of data to be exchanged and the processes that need improvement.

  2. Platform choice : Select a FABDIS platform that meets the identified needs. Ensure that the solution is compatible with your existing systems and that it can adapt to your changing needs.

  3. Project planning : Develop a detailed project plan that includes implementation steps, deadlines, and responsibilities of various stakeholders.

  4. Setup and customization : Configure the system to match the specifics of your supply chain. Customize interfaces and features according to user needs.

  5. Systems integration : Integrate the system with other computer systems used by manufacturers and distributors for efficient data synchronization.

  6. User training : Train users on how the FABDIS database works, focusing on data entry, management, and analysis procedures.

  7. Launch : Get the system up and running gradually, starting with pilot testing to make sure everything is working as expected.

  8. Assessment and adjustments : After deployment, assess the system regularly to identify areas that need adjustments or improvements.

By following these steps, you will be able to set up an effective Manufacturers & Distributors system that facilitates collaboration between manufacturers and distributors, while optimizing the product information management.

Benefits of FABDIS for Manufacturers and Distributors

Improvement of logistics and delivery times

FABDIS refines inventory management by allowing a detailed analysis of consumer trends.

This analysis helps to anticipate production needs accurately, thus reducing delivery times.

Adjusting stock levels in real time prevents surpluses and shortages, which results in more economical management and increased customer satisfaction.

Optimization of commercial relationships

FABDIS offers shared and secure access to product data, increasing transparency between manufacturers and distributors.

This transparency leads to better mutual understanding and rapid adjustments according to market needs. The results are that partnerships become more dynamic and responsive, increasing their value and sustainability in the competitive marketplace.

Challenges in implementing FABDIS and Solutions

Technical barriers and solutions

The incompatibilities between the computer systems different actors can hinder the integration of FABDIS. To remedy this, it is advisable to harmonize the IT infrastructures through unified data formats and interoperable software.

These measures ensure smooth data communication, which is essential for the proper functioning of the system.

Organizational resistance and leadership

The introduction of FABDIS may encounter resistance due to entrenched habits and fear of change. To overcome this resistance, it is important to conduct awareness-raising and training campaigns that demonstrate these benefits.

The leader, the guarantor of leadership, must be actively involved in this process, supporting change through clear communication and defining specific goals to encourage the adoption of the system.

The future of FABDIS: Trends and developments

Integration of advanced technologies

The future of FABDIS is oriented towards the increased integration ofArtificial intelligence (AI)). This technology will make it possible to more accurately predict consumer trends and to adjust productions accordingly.

AI will also help optimize supply chains by automating replenishment decisions and by improving the management of risks associated with market fluctuations.

Increased impact on SMEs

FABDIS will become an increasingly essential tool for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). By offering them access to tools of product information management formerly reserved for large companies, this type of system balances the playing field.

SMEs will thus be able to better manage their data, improve their interactions with distributors and optimize their responsiveness to market demands.


FABDIS is revolutionizing the interaction between manufacturers and distributors, making communication more fluid and operations more transparent.

It is becoming a central element of supply chain management strategies, promoting continuous improvement in efficiency and profitability.

With its help, businesses of all sizes can adapt more quickly to market changes and take advantage of the increased precision in managing product information.

Discover the benefits of PIM software from SolidPepper for the management of your company's product information.


What is FABDIS exactly?

FABDIS is a system designed to strengthen collaboration between manufacturers and distributors by optimizing the exchange of product information. This system aims to harmonize data between the various parties to ensure greater consistency and accuracy, thus facilitating common business processes.

How does FABDIS improve distribution operations?

FABDIS standardizes product information through a common framework that centralizes data. This standardization allows better coordination of logistics activities, reduces processing times, and significantly reduces errors associated with inventory and order management.

Who benefits the most from FABDIS?

Manufacturers benefit from FABDIS by gaining clear visibility on market demand, which helps to adjust production. Retailers, on the other hand, benefit from simplified access to product data that facilitates inventory management and improves customer service. Together, they are experiencing cost reduction and increased operational efficiency.

What are the first steps to join FABDIS?

To integrate FABDIS, businesses must first conduct an audit of their current data systems to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement. Next, selecting tools compatible with FABDIS and ensuring that these tools can interface effectively with existing systems is crucial. Team training is also essential to ensure optimal use of the system.

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