The basics of the PIM solution!

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Welcome to this introductory video, where we'll dive into the fundamental basics of the PIM (Product Information Management) solution. Whether you're new to the subject or looking to improve your knowledge, this video is for you.
Step 1:
Have a file containing all the product information (references, marketing data, descriptions, images). If you can't retrieve the images, but they are on your site, you can download them via media import (video to watch) with URL links.
Step 2: 
How do you prepare your file for integration? You will find the first column in red corresponds to each unique reference, the blue column allows you to create product variations, depending on the products you sell, you may need to group them together (Example: pair of shoes, all the shoes may be identical but the size may change, instead of having a product file by size, we create a single file in which we put all the sizes). The columns in yellow are the hard-coded information in the solution, the information we consider essential for creating a product sheet. Depending on your sector of activity, your products may have different characteristics, so we create attributes in the solution to match (video on attributes available). In column headings, avoid special characters (# ; @, and spaces at the end of values)
Step 3:
Once you have structured your file, you go on to import. To do this, you first need to import attributes to create all your characteristics, then import products. You go and get your file, update the products, new mapping for a first injection, select the language of the file, the references column and finally, whether or not to tick the variations, and if so, which column to use for grouping (blue column in my file). We move on to the last stage of the import, matching the fields in our Excel file with those in the solution and importing.

Once you've finished importing, go to your products, check that everything has been imported and, depending on the modules you've chosen, you can start working!