How can you group similar products with different characteristics?

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Would you like to organise your products better? In this video you will learn how to group your references
Step 1: « Product grouping »
Product grouping allows you to bring together products from the same model, but with different characteristics. First of all, in your Excel file, you need to create a column that you can call "Root", which will include part of your reference.
Step 2: « Create an attribute »
When importing our file, we'll match our column in the Excel file, i.e. "root", with the "group" attribute. Go back to your products and click on the "three dots", then "Group SKUs", then look for your attribute.
Step 3: « Grouped articles »
How do we recognise that our items are grouped? You can see that on your "product" page on the right, there are different colours and as soon as there is a change in colour, it means that there are different groups. Another way of seeing product grouping is to change the layout and change it to "image" format. Numbers are displayed under the images to show the number of products in the same group.