How do you create a user in your PIM solution?

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Would you like to give one or more employees access to your site? Follow this video to find out "how to create a user account" to ensure communication and cohesion between your teams.
Step 1: « Access to user settings »
Go to 'Settings', then 'Users'. To add a user, click on 'Add' and fill in the required information. You can also choose the language of your NUDE interface.
Step 2: « Creating a user »
Once you've finished, save and click on the user you've just created, then you'll see that you can change the login (surname, first name, telephone number, etc.). You can also insert a photo for the user.
Step 3: « Account management »
Return to the list of users and if you select a user, it is possible to delete the user from the NUDE platform.